SwimFit swim plugs – keep your ears safe and dry this summer


Summer is here and that means lots of water fun! Whether at the beach, or at the pool, protecting our ears while in the water is just as important as protecting our skin from the summer sun!

Custom-made swim plugs can prevent water-induced ear infections known as Swimmer’s Ear (Otitis Externa).

You might be asking yourself, ‘Do swim ear plugs really work?‘ Yes, they do a fantastic job of keeping your ear canals free from water clogging.

Our SwimFit earplugs are the perfect solution for any swimming, surfing, diving and water-based activities. They can also be very useful for preventing splashing water entering the ears when showering.

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November 2021 Newsletter

nov newsletter

Hi, How are you? Another year almost gone, and it’s been another crazy one. Because of this, the team at Pacific Ears Australia have decided to keep our previous specials going so that everyone can enjoy what is good. Please read below for more details and to check out our specials.

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August 2021 Newsletter

Hi, How are you? With Covid putting us back into lockdown, we thought we would update you on our operating hours and deliveries, but also spoil you with a few good specials in September and October. Pacific Ears Australia is an essential company and will remain open, however, with adjusted operating hours. Please read below for more details and to check out our specials.

august newsletter1

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May 2021 newsletter

Blog post may

Hi, How are you doing? Pacific Ears Australia is more than happy to help you protect your ears and your hearing while you enjoy what you love doing or if it’s for work to feel safe while at work. We have something to give away this month, and we would like to give you a discount too. We also have a sale on for some earphones and ready fit earplugs. So go check out the rest of this newsletter to see what we have on offer for you.

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December Newsletter: Crazy how time flies

Summer water hearing protection

Just as we are easing into our somewhat normal lives, Christmas is just around the corner and gift buying will drive everyone nuts! Sort your gift shopping right here. In December we are running multiple special deals and sales on our hearing protection products. Feel free to share this newsletter/blog with family and friends and you may receive a wonderful Christmas present yourself!

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Are you using the right hearing protection

Choosing the right Hearing protection

ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL: Are you using the right hearing protection?

Did you know that most Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is being caused in the workplace. NIHL is the only type of hearing loss that is completely preventable if you take the right measures and use the right hearing protection.

In order to limit hearing damage, the employer is responsible to take all measures available to reduce noise but is also responsible for providing proper hearing protectors and to oversee the (proper) use of these. 

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High-Performance Hearing Solutions for the Mining Industry

Hearing protection for mining

You do not get used to noise, you gradually lose your hearing…

Every day, millions of people around the world are exposed to noise at work and all the risks this can entail. One in five of Europe’s workers have to raise their voices to be heard for at least half of the time that they are at work and 7% suffer from work-related hearing difficulties. Noise Induced Hearing Loss is the most common reported occupational disease in general but in mining in particular.

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Hearing protection for infants and kids

Hearing protection for infants and kids

Hearing protection for infants and kids, easily done and more important than you think!

Kids are exposed to much more daily noise in contrast to a couple of decades ago: loud toys, nursery products and technological devices are only part of the noise increase.  Loud sounds are even louder for children. Infants and young children are more sensitive to loud noises than adults are because the ear canal is smaller in children. 

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Hearing protection: the most underestimated health concern


All-round hearing protection needs to reflect the demands of each job. Custom fit ear plugs with interchangeable filters are part of the mining equation.

In hearing protection, prevention is the only option. Hearing Loss is irreversible.

A lawyer by trade, Terry van Dijk has acquired a hearing protection company that supplies solutions to the Industrial sector but also to Sydney Opera musicians, Victorian Police and people in the motorsports industry

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Hearing Protection – don’t risk over-protection

Hearing protection and over-protection risks

“I would like a hearing protector that blocks out all noise”

Why over-protection is just as bad as under-protection, or even worse!

If we got a dollar for every-time a client asks us: “Can I get the hearing protection that blocks out all sound?”, we would be very rich!

If clients call us, with a question to provide them with a HPD (Hearing Protection Device) that reduces the most sound in a workplace or similar environment, we usually advise against it. Instead we try to find out what the best or the optimal hearing protection is for the clients’ specific situation. This is more often than not, not the earbud that has the highest decibel rating.

Let us explain why...

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How to calculate your 8 hour equivalent (LAeq,8h)

Noise exposure and Hearing Protection Class

Noise exposure and Hearing Protection Class selection

Selection of hearing protection is based on the eight-hour equivalent (LAeq,8h) and not on a peak level. To find the right LAeq,8h you can use the calculator below, and fill in the noise levels at your workplace and how much time you spend in those levels. Please use realistic figures.

For example: An angle grinder that produces 110 dB, is not operated for 8 hours a day, but normally only a couple of minutes of time spread over the day, which can add up to, say 1 hour actively operating it. The time in between might be spent with changing work pieces, welding, reading drawings, communication etc.

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